Finally it's time to present you my Video Poker game for Android!

Wed, 7th Dec. 2011.


Version 1.0.0 released!!

I've been working hard on that and I hope you'll have some great time-killing with this app!
Feel free to drop me a few words with your opinion and/or suggestions on email videopoker at pe3 net.
Maybe this is not the world's prettiest user interface you'll see for a poker game, but I'll be working on that in the future, with your support.


.... and if you like it, don't forget to buy me a bear ;)




I've made an Icon!

Mon, 5th Dec. 2011.


Yes, I suck when it is about designing stuff :(

So it took alot of effort, time and nerves for me to even come to a point to say that I have an icon! So if you don't like it so much, don't ever tell me that!

heh, just kidding :)

App icon



Petri's Video Poker